Here’s what I discovered…
The truths that only you can know. They reside so deeply within you that they are invisible to others. I call them Soul-Level Truths.

We’ve been taught to discard our truths & defer to the perspectives that others impose on us. Every time we do this, we become more misaligned with the life we know we’re meant to live.

When you powerfully identify & honor your Soul-Level Truths, your new life becomes inevitable.

There are unique desires written on your heart. Not only are they written on your heart, they are the desires that cause your heart to beat faster. I call them Heart-felt Desires.

We live in a world that promotes short-term indulgences as the answer to joy. Every time we accept that invitation to indulge, we move further from fulfilling the desires that make us feel alive.

When we fully embrace & partner with our Heart-felt Desires a fulfilling, meaningful life is the natural result.

There are unique gifts & talents that only you possess. You were divinely chosen to express these Innate Gifts.

We’ve been asked to dismiss our gifts in order to keep the peace or make others happy. The longer our innate gifts remain dormant & unused, the harder it is to find our purpose.

When you discover, master, & refine your Innate Gifts you are always on purpose and your unique purpose becomes more obvious to you with every step.

BFF 5 Day Life Purpose Challenge

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