How to Master the Essential Art of Dreaming

by Oct 20, 2017Feisty

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

I have always been a dreamer.    It could be my middle name. Gina Dreamer Vincent.  I think it suits me.

I like to dream, write my musings down, and then share my dreams with others to propel them into reality.  The more I practice this, the more I become the receiver of dreams realized.  I also believe that by asking your spouse, boyfriend, BFF, siblings, children, mother you will learn something exciting about that person.  What a fun way to share and connect with others.

Just like creativity or getting fit, dreaming can be cultivated through practice. It’s just like strengthening a muscle.

When was the last time you truly sat down and allowed yourself to dream for five minutes?  Try it.  See where it takes you.

I love asking children that I am meeting for the first time, “If you had no homework, no chores, money was not an object nor was time, and your parents said you could do anything, what would you be doing?”  Now, I pose this question to you.  Become childlike and freely answer.

Allow me to help you exercise that dream muscle part of your brain.

What would you be doing?

Where would you be doing it?

What does it feel like?

What does your day look like?

How do you look?

How could this benefit you?

What would it take to make this dream a reality?

What is one small thing you could do today to move towards this reality?

Have you ever asked your soul mate what their dreams are?

Maybe, add a sip of wine or some dark chocolate as you dream BIG!

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