Temazcal – Ancient Aztec Spiritual Ceremony

by Jun 20, 2018Fit

“When in Rome do as the Romans,” and when in Mexico partake in this glorious ancient ceremony lead by a healer, it’s sure to inspire.  Temal translates to “bath”, and calli means “house.”  Referred also as mother earth’s womb.

#1 Promotes Well-being & Health

The heat produced by hot lava rocks in the dome-shaped mother earth womb allows you to rid toxins through sweating.  Cool water is poured as needed over the rocks which produce a lovely steam.  Purifying!

#2 Copal Resin Refreshes

Similar to frankincense, copal (young amber) produces a rich, delicious, piney-lemony fragrance.  It’s native to Mexico and Central America and has been used as incense in ancient religious ceremonies.   Copal brings life, youth, healing and protection to our energy system.  The copal is singed against the hot lava rocks which produce a truly delightful clean and fresh scent.  Invigorating!

#3 Basil Cleanses

Basil branches soaked in water were gently brushed over our warm bodies to cleanse.  This herb is known for it’s anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial qualities.  The cool water on the soft leaves felt like angel wings brushing over me.  Cleansing!

#4 Chanting & Drums Move Your Spirit

Music creates the mood. Drumming is known for its healing energy, especially in the root chakra.  The voices of the leader and his wife were inspiring and they will encourage you to sing along.  Quite moving!

#5 Reflection & Introspection

This time spent surrounded by warmth, encouraged detoxing, healing drum beats, beautiful singing, and purifying incense will give you goosebumps.  Spirit Renewed!

Gina’s Tip:  Feeling too hot or claustrophobic – simply lay flat – it’s cooler.

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