Be Authentic

Be Authentic Meeting people is one of my fav pastimes. Have you ever met someone and immediately liked, I mean really liked, them? Those people are usually living an authentic life.  They don’t apologize for who they are – nor do they try to please anyone.  They...

Mother Nature

Mother Nature Alaska is breathtaking! It’s nature at its finest! Do you remember being sent out to play as a child?  We were and now I follow suit. Sometimes life becomes SO busy and we simply forget to take a moment to spend time outside. Nowadays, being connected to...

Temazcal – Ancient Aztec Spiritual Ceremony

Temazcal – Ancient Aztec Spiritual Ceremony “When in Rome do as the Romans,” and when in Mexico partake in this glorious ancient ceremony lead by a healer, it’s sure to inspire.  Temal translates to “bath”, and calli means “house.”  Referred also as mother...

Positive People

Positive People Detox is a buzzword.  Ever wonder if it’s for you?  Later you’ll learn about a cleansing ritual for your body and spirit. But for now, let’s talk simple, easy and local with what I call the ‘positive people effect’. Your time and energy should be...